Superintending Engineer (P.W.D) Retd
Former Principal,Polytechnic, Dharapuram
Former Guest Lecturer,Rural University, Gandhigram
Poet,Writer and Dramatist
Superintending Engineer (P.W.D) Retd
Former Principal,Polytechnic, Dharapuram
Former Guest Lecturer,Rural University, Gandhigram
Poet,Writer and Dramatist
Aged 84, was born Chennakesavalu-Alamelu Ammal parents on 06-06-1934 in a remote village of Tamil Nadu.
Briefing the comprehensive and affordable knowledge of building construction to a common man
Informal history of kings and kingdoms of sangam age in verse form
Eradicating the superstitious belief of arranging the various rooms inside a home
Emphasising on the environmental protection of our planet Earth
An Epic in sangam age style but founding on the events in between 1918-1967 of Tamil Nadu, India and the world
Containing SEVEN research essays on various topics including the title
Containing important technical aspect of house building
Of the seven research essays the title of this book also forms one of them
A love drama in prose flooded with emotion and rational themes
My observation of the remote state of America –Alaska, during my tour was excessively brought out with comparisons of similar weather and geographical conditions of lands in other parts of the world.
Imaginary tour around the globe under the sea by an imaginary team
The war between Arabs and Jews fought in the lands of Palestine claiming the nativity of the land by both the races is nicely brought out inclusive of the genocide by Hitler on JEWS Community.
1977 : SCROLL OF APPRECIATION was awarded by His Excellency, the Governor of Tamil Nadu Placing on record the excellent civil work done by C. Purushothaman in record time
1984 : Planning of community hall- a superficial analysis
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